The Western Lights Program

Total You

It is time to get serious using every aspect of yourself to reach the new realities in 7 days
This advanced 7 day journey releases the trauma that stops 
you from finding the deepest vision you have been looking for.
Unified within Total You, all the answers to life and the universe are found. 

An advanced program into new realities 

Many experienced people for over 20 years have made the jump they have been searching for 
We attract people who have pursued much self-development but are yet to make that jump into new realities


"The most progressive course I have experienced to date and I have explored so many profound practises and retreats over the years. Working with Grahame is an honour and a true blessing, pure compassionate teachings."
Musician and Artist. Attended 2015 and 2024

The online program

Start your online journey to Total You 

ONLINE PROGRAM coming soon!

This is the online version of the Western Lights Program as it introduces you to Total You and starts the process of clearing the obstacles preventing you from getting to your highest perceptive point and seeing new realities
The online program requires you to focus on the magical exploration of each of the 7 light centres one day at a time. The online material will help you go deeper into this journey so the energy can naturally do the work.
After focusing and exploring one particular energy centre, this will be followed by a 1 hour information/energy video. This powerful video contains ancient wisdom combining with modern life tools and a profound energy exchange that enables you to make great steps towards obtaining Total You.

The London program

The 7 days in London are intrinsic to the sacred energy that is the making of you and will introduce you to your profound insight


This place holds the key


Welcome to humanity


Who are we?

    "This program guided me into the unknown territory of myself. I felt safe and supported every step of the way whilst immersed in humour and loving discipline. If you want to let the past go whilst grabbing hold of your present, then dive into this experience as it offers a mixture of wonderment and wordless certainty of inner capacities."


    "Meeting Grahame at his course changed my life. Nothing is the same. Different partner, different country, different friends. He knows his tools and he will help you to move beyond your limits."

    Graphic Designer
    "This course will change your life. It is a journey of discovery.....Grahame holds a very caring, safe space and his guidance will nudge you to go further than you think possible. In the space of two months after the course, I’ve left a toxic living situation, moved back to Australia and now feel empowered and the creator of my life."


    "This course offers an opportunity to journey through each of the energy levels experientially over seven days. It’s a remarkable experience and a gift.

    "I felt nervous attending the course but knew I had to be there. All my fears were unfounded from the start as Grahame and the group made me feel at ease. Having meditated for may years I was surprised how easily I reached new heights as well as developing new tools enabling me to explore my insights further."


    Conscious Healer
    "I flew to this course as I knew I would not get what it offered anywhere else!"

What do I get with this program?

Reality is full of information that is needed for human consciousness to expand. This information creates the 'new' that enables this expansion. It is therefore very valuable to any change that is needed, be it personal, social or business. Day-to-day we only use a fraction of ourselves to function, which is why we often feel so limited in our lives. Once Total You is 
mastered, you can capture the 'new' and make life-changing decisions as a consequence of searching new reality.
Learn More »
Commit to what you are truly here to do
Clear blocks to discover self-power 
Make the jump with love to your higher self
Learn how to truly focus with a free mind
Explore the 'new' of all reality as Total You
Turn up and let the energies do the work

Western Light in London

For thousands of years humans have used ancient energies to maximise their insight into new realities, knowing this forms conscious expansion. All consciousness is formed on what has come before because we live in time and space. This means consciousness continues to expand. Our job as humans is to be a part of this expansion and we have the mechanism already to make a fundamental 'jump' into new reality.
Getting stuck stops Total You and these are the blocks that have accumulated through fear, trauma or bad education. This program is also about clearing these blocks. Some people just turn up for this alone.


Executive Coach, Tucson, Arizona
"For the past 20 years I have studied with many masterful teachers to help me remove blocks and live from a place of freedom and solid grounding; but I never reached what I was sensing I could experience. I have to say Grahame is by far the most immediately effective and humble teacher/guide I have ever met. Since, many profound changes have taken place for me that continue to astonish me. I no longer have the low grade undercurrent of anxiety and doubt; it’s gone. I have become crystal clear of my life purpose I deliver through my work as an executive coach. The clients I have dreamed of working with are now showing up. I met the love of my life 3 weeks after the course! I feel greater confidence and trust being in the flow of life. I can’t thank you enough Grahame!"

New vision requires all of you

Your lower self is explored first

To be in physicality is to commit to your life. How ready are you to accomplish what you are here to do? 
Your emotional stability and desires may be holding you back. Are they running your life? 
Identity is imperative to what you can achieve, as you need to be you. Therefore the strength of your will is very important. 
There is a big step to be made from lower to higher self and your heart is the route to this jump.. Many people trip up here as the heart is a very mysterious place and needs much attention to navigate to the higher part of yourself. 

Your higher self takes you out of the physical

To embrace your higher self you need to ground yourself in the non-physical world as much as the physical. Many people fear this invisibility but the more things become clearer through a new vision, the greater the conscious expansion. This comes through questioning reality and exploring what you didn't know existed. 
To become secure in the non-physical world is formed around how you deal with the truth of this new reality. This new vision is a looking glass into higher conscious, absorbed from the non-physical world into the physical one. The consequence of this is life-changing.
      ©Raising Perception LLC
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