Physical proof is also proof of its spiritual counterpart

Physical proof is a very important part to human understanding and we here at Total you respect the need for this and also work with this proof ourselves because it helps people understand the consequence of attending the course.
Endocrine glands (don't disappear - they are cool!)

We have a set of receptors called our endocrine glands that give us everything we are, everything that is possible and are gateway into the spiritual world. Without these glands Total You could not provide the level of investigation possible. They physically and spiritually run us.

The investigation into the physical relationship with the human body is not a new science. It has been the backbone of medical science for many years because most of what we do is run by their function. Therefore the damage to these glands has to be understood for the body to be healed, and this also includes what can harm these glands. For instance, it is well known that radiation has a huge impact on the thyroid gland.

However, medical science has not stopped with its physiological relationship with these glands. Through extensive investigation into prisoners it has began to understand how damage to these glands can create criminality. Work has proven that damage to the relationship between the thymus, thyroid, pituitary and pineal gland  has a huge impact on our personality, our desires and also our disturbances. Morbid delusional and destructive thoughts are often attributed to this form of damage. As science continues to look at this damage it is also faced with how modern living also has an impact.

For instance, it is well known that fluoride  damages the pineal gland even though in most areas it is put into the tap water, and to make matters worse this is low grade industrial fluoride. What isn't well known is the extensive function of the pineal gland. It is a light receptor that connects us directly with source and, if damaged, this connection will be hindered. People who suffer from depression or addictions may have this issue.

Total You takes this investigation even further. There is nothing new in this as the Hindus have mystically been writing about this relationship for many years. The Buddists too, as it is interwoven with their spiritual beliefs. At last we have a science that can pick up these gateways, which we call the glands of the endocrine system, and start to understand it in a quantum field way. In other words, the new realities that are entering into human consciousness through these glandular gateways have a science to them. 

Total You embraces ancient knowledge that relates to what our ancestors already were aware of long before quantum theory. This means science has caught up and also that we at Total You have the means to verify what we do. This course has been running for twenty years and as it has evolved its attendees have also added insight to these new realities. This is the beauty of the energy involved, it being so interactive. Thus the course is a living organic investigation that is always growing and moving with the times. No matter how ancient it is, it remains modern and relevant as it is tied up with the progression of this planet. 

The progression of this planet is therefore tied up with every human being's endocrine system because it is the very nature of how new consciousness enters our world to make change. We need this and we have a duty to prevent it from being eroded, but as more damage is done to these glands, as more of their effect is shut down and as more of our higher vision is repressed, this conscious expansion is therefore being limited. It is Total You's mission to prevent this. We therefore attract people who have tried hard and want to make the next step. 

The endocrine glands are responsible for information. They send messages all around the body so our cells know what to do, so we know what to do. But they are also receptors of information coming from outside of us. This is obviously coming from the physical world in the way of light, or the photon, but there is also a nuclear interface where the electron becomes the photon and with it the electron carries information from somewhere else other that the physical plane, or other than here on earth. Our endocrine system is therefore a light receptor, a set of equipment to receive light. The ability to receive this light from somewhere other, from somewhere greater, from another source, is what make this course so incredible. It enables the attendee to reach this place of possibility. 


Why do we want to bring light in from another source? Why do we, as human beings, wish to evolve to such possibility? To answer these questions you must first consider why you have this equipment and why you would not want to use it. The act of receiving light from the source means that the physical brain converts it into human consciousness. This is the point to why we have the endocrine equipment. There is a consequence to this search. Once you have received something new in the way of light from the source, it will come in the form of information as that is the only thing your endocrine deals with - information. The consequence of this is that your mind has to convert this information into something that makes sense for you. It is this very fact that brings much change because once you have got this new information you will never be the same again. 

Quantum explanation of received light

The only reality on earth is through human consciousness. It is we humans that make sense of life here. We don't control it, rather we grow our conscious understanding to help the growth of civilisation on Earth. Quantum theory takes us out of the 3rd or even 4th dimension when explaining how existence here works. To understand quantum begins with understanding light and how it creates and delivers information to us. This light has to come from somewhere and so far we use terms like the universe, the cosmos or source to describe somewhere we can't comprehend. Total You is dedicated to investigating this source and help others to do so.

Waves of light are energy, which quantum presently describes as cosmic in origin. Quantum cosmology is the study into the making or operation of the universe. What we think of as cosmic becomes nuclear as it physicalises into our reality. We are made, and everything is formed around the atom in our physical world. When cosmic waves collide with atoms in our atmosphere, this interaction maintains all life and grows our consciousness. As we humans live in time and space the moment of this cosmic interaction becomes the 'new' that we play with here. This process changes us as a community because all of the 'new' affects us all. Some people are better than others at bringing the cosmic waves into consciousness, but the result involves us all. We could say the very 'point' to existence is this conversion from cosmic information into human. Or when the photon becomes the electron.

How humans bring the light of the source into consciousness. 

The Astral Plane is the interface we humans use to make something 'new' understandable. This is because we have a physical brain and therefore can only think physically. As cosmic waves are not physical, the 'point' of conversion into physical thinking is the Astral Plane. 

Nothing that Total You does is possible without the Astral Plane. This is the go-between that enables reading the non-physical world possible. It is a layer of conscious record that is separate to our world on earth, although it is also intrinsically connected. Because we can't see it and it has no physicality of its own, nonetheless everything it depicts appears physical when we observe it. This enables our brain to convert the new cosmic world of information by first bringing it into physicality at this place.

Known also as the akashic records, all things that pertain to planet earth's evolution, which also means humanity, is recorded on the Astral Plane. This also includes that which is entering human consciousness but has yet to enter our mind here on earth. Creative people are very adept to doing this because this is how new art, literature and music, for instance, comes in. The astral plane is the backbone to quantum understanding even though it is never directly names as such. There is a conscious converter or we would never understand the non-physical existence in our physical world. Creativity is one way to do this.


At night you go to the astral plane and observe new consciousness. This can be the experience of the day before becoming part of you. It is also a safe way to bring in the new, but at times this can still be a bit shocking. We call this dreaming, and the ability to be at ease with this can be the difference between a peaceful dream and a nightmare. The new always brings change to the consciousness and this new will either be easily received or not, hence the nightmare. This is the same when working on your 7 centres. Trauma that relates to each centre can be telling you it is time to recognise the trauma to move on. Blocks need to be cleared if you wish to get the most out of your endocrine system and explore the portals. 

When we can remember them, dreams are our conscious memory of our visit to the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane is used consciously by Total You, as it should be, to investigate the unknown and bring what is found into the world. For each individual this new consciousness will form change and as the new is guided by a greater force that we call the nature of the cosmos, then this change is what is meant to be.

You are living proof!

Science has got its knickers in a twist over how it wants to control human conscious expansion by what needs to be physically proven. Because the expansion of consciousness relies on investigating the new before it becomes physical, modern science is at a loss as to where this comes from. It can be argued this has always been the case, the big philosophical and metaphysical question that has been pursued long before technology took over what the endocrine system naturally does, which is venture out of the physical. Science has always been playing catch up to this. Well, give it its dues, it has got very close to catching up because it recognises what can't necessarily be physically proven but can still be found within living proof in human life. The questions it did not want to ask have now reached a greater mass of consciousness, forcing science to address what is blatantly obvious: humans are connected to a greater source. It is just that we humans have the capacity to convert cosmic information using our endocrine system. Total You is dedicated to showing people how to look after this system and use it to see the 'new' with the help of The Western Chakra System.
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